Our company completely divides and adheres to all available standards on fight against money-laundering (AML).
AML (Anti Money Laundering – money-laundering) is process of transformation of money which have been received within illegal activity (corruption, fraud, terrorism, etc.) in other funds or investments of any sort which in turn have a lawful appearance for full or partial concealment or distortion of the real sources of an origin of this money.
The Coinfusion.onepany as the organization working in the currency exchange sphere accurately follows the rules and the principles on fight against money-laundering (AML).
The policy of AML implies restriction for use of company services of Coinfusion to any subjects pursuing the money laundering aim financing of terrorism or any other illegal activity connected with traffic in arms, people, child pornography, drugs, etc.
Within AML policy the Coinfusion.onepany takes the following measures:
1.Collecting necessary documents for the transaction and implementation of verification of identification data of the client according to the KYC Policy.
2.Monitoring of all suspicious operations of the clients.
3.Coinfusion reserves the right to refuse registration of the transaction at any stage if there is a suspicion that operation will be anyway connected with money laundering or any other criminal activity.
Coinfusion adheres to policy of AML according to international law.